Jaffrey Meeting House

Jaffrey, NH

According to historians, the Jaffrey Meeting House was raised on June 17, 1775, the very day of the Battle of Bunker Hill, and sounds of cannonade could be heard by builders. A bell tower was added in 1822, complete with a bell cast by the Paul Revere Foundry. Considered Jaffrey’s “dearest treasure,” the Meeting House has long been the architectural pillar of this community. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Jaffrey’s Meeting House is the pinnacle of its historic district and a source of great pride within the community. Revenue is generated through concerts, forums, and private rentals.

One of the few Meetinghouses in New Hampshire with a wood shingle roof, the MPA team designed and oversaw an historic wood shingle roof replacement. Recently, MPA was retained to complete a Historic Building Assessment which was used to obtain a NH LCHIP Historic Resource Grant to fund the tower rehabilitation – a project MPA is currently working on.

The ultimate outcome to this historic restoration is that the building retains its visual purity.

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